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i am a lazy bum

and i just really like that pic. so Zwei better not change it or i will have to kick his ass! and gash him open with my dull knife and my knewly broken sabre!! AND I WILL THROW IN A BOKEN TOO, EH ZWEI!!!

Hey. I`m Zwei. I... you know what? No. This sucks ass! I`m named after a fucking NUMBER! A GOD DAMN NUMBER! ARRGH!! STUPID FUCKING DIGITS OF SATAN! I HATE NUMBERS!



Death Wagon
This is also about me, the mascot of Die Launen, I am not only a truck of mass distruction I make the driver go crazy and do things that will risk the lives of those who are driving. Even those damn pedestrians, they can run but I will KILL them!!
Eine wildes_feuer@hotmail.com
Zwei panz3rfaust@hotmail.com

you now know about us so now we must kill you