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Dodge this.

Why the hell would someone name thier kid this?

Rather phallic looking, isn`t it?

Real BS!

Eine, caught in the act!

Sometimes my computer talks back.

The shit that goes on in our town. i mean it come on, who would kill an ice cream man?


Well, it`s a pencil. Don`t know what else to say...

The reason they put braille on drive-through ATMs.

Flammable? No shit!

Uh, ouch.

Right next to the dirty clean-room.

That`s a new one.


Eine showing those non-existant cops who`s boss.

Eine`s cat. Will haunt your dreams.

The smelly revolution.

John`s "mall gloves". Aquired at a three-finger discount.

Horn is broken, watch for finger.

the big purple dinosar has an advisary now!

wall climbing

Evil driver

(Eine) i took this pic while driving

so so wrong

Marry X-mas